Healthy students are expected to be in attendance every day from 7:55 am-3:10 pm. Attendance is officially recorded at 9:00 am.
If your child will not be at school for any reason, please notify our school registrar, Terri Hankins at Upon returning from an absence, always send a note explaining the reason for the absence. Notifications may be sent via email. Please try to schedule routine medical appointments outside of school hours. Likewise, please schedule vacations during school holidays/long weekends. It is extremely important to maximize our instruction time.
- Tardies -Students must be in their classroom by 7:55am. If late, they will be scanned in by a Ride staff member. After 7:55 am, an adult must accompany the child to the front office to sign in tardy. Please make arrangements so that your child arrives on time. Each time your child is tardy, you will receive notification via email. After the 6th tardy each grading period and EACH tardy thereafter, a discipline referral will be generated.